Thursday, August 28, 2008


i was thinking about the rules saying "teachers and prefect are allowed to search students bag" because i was reading the rulebook and the Schools rules there's nothing to allow the teachers and prefects to search students bag.

the teacher say " if we found a bag, we will open and search a bag to find out who's bag it is so we could return the bag" and she added "do you see any name on the bag if you found a bag?" Now, my question to that is " what happens if you search the bag and there's nothing inside the bag with name eg. my own bag?" i carry nothing with my name in the bag the teachers should carry that bag during assembly and ask "who's lost their bag" or "who left their bag in school" instead of searching the bag and breaking students privacy. me as a student shouldn't be teaching teachers la, i should be the one learning. oh well.

another teacher who acted like he knew everything said "do you know that the school security guard can search anyone's bag to make sure the school is safe?". "what if you carry a bomb inside the school?". "they can search your bag without showing you any black and white and are the teachers and prefects". heres what i think about it, i don't agree with that because security guards have their "akta pengawal keselamatan" which allows them to search my bag. police too can search my bag because they have "akta polis" but police cant simply search my bag, they still need a warrant to search my bag. so what rights you teachers and prefects have to search my bag? "akta guru - guru dan lembaga pengawas?"

and to another dumbfuck sarcastic teacher that thinks she is so smart, do you know that bluetooth-ing infomation from a phone you found is illegal? its called stealing. if i report to police with the act of "mencuri maklumat", you're guilty. when you found a phone, youre suppose to wait for the owner to come and claim the phone, not searching the phone and open up the phone acting so smart to find out who's phone. go get your facts right before talking to me and read the rules properly before you transfer data.

i can take action against the teacher since i have consulted a lawyer about this, but i dont want to because can you imagine if a student take action against the teachers? im not typing out any names here because i dont want any action to be taken against me either but siapa makan cili dia rasa pedas.


Valerie said...

Oh well, you write good when you get dissatisfied with something else =P. No, I mean you're good in writing =D. Teachers and prefects don't have the liability to search students' bags. You're damn right, there's no any warrant show us that teachers and prefects can do as what police and security guards do. Oh well, can I ask for your permission to copy and paste it in my blog? You wrote pretty well mann! I hope you can share with more people. Lol.


Anonymous said...

in the first place why u chose to leave your bag unattended.teachers are like second parents to such there shouldn't be any question about teachers doing a search on their students.the primary intent in so doing is to protect and safeguard the interest of their students not unlike what parents do to their own children.i fail to see why u are so upset about being's normal procedure practised everywhere worldwide when a situation calls for it.