Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
im not the only one who likes rebecca black's friday.
apparently sungei wang likes it too. omfg i got so excited when i heard this song playing in the mall.
nope, im not a liverpool fan but im just trying my luck and see if i can accompany my brother to the liverpool game. really, im not a big fan of them but they are cool.
so i went to pavilion to check out the "anfield" set up there.
and inside its really nice so you liverpool fans should go check it out. they're giving out lots of stuff there and apparently the liverpool team's gonna be there tomorrow.
but before that they will be in courts mammoth. i know of all places, the cheras maluri one.
since i got the free training pass from the star 2 days ago, why not just go watch liverpool train ? since i dont know are they ever coming back to malaysia.
yes i went there without my camera fml.
so here's what happened in the stadium. hahaha.

well i got no comment on this. going to liverpool training with manchester united jersey.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
want MTV World Stage tickets ? here's the easiest way...
go get yourself a xpax simpack now, then send MTV to 28881
then wait for this text to appear
so just follow it, reload RM50 credit and wait for this
and with this message you go to either Sunway Pyramid or Pavilion KL Celcom Blue Cube to redeem your pair of MTV world stage tickets.
well there is still a chance of you reloading RM50 and not getting your tickets if youre unlucky but i guess this is the best way. :P
i got mine. :)
so about winning tickets i thought i was lucky enough to be one of the 180 mother fuckers who got the liverpool tickets by cutting out coupons from the Star newspaper.
well im not a fan of liverpool but i just wanted the ticket to keep my brother company so yes,
with this i went to one utama at 4.30pm thinking i would be one of the first since im 4 hours early but fuck no, theres like a fucking long queue there waiting for me.
so when the doors open for collection after 4 hours at 8.30pm,
and when i could finally see the entrance to studio V, some dude came out telling the ticket ends here, which was about 10 dudes infront of me. FML
so all i got was this
im not giving up im gonna try harder for chelsea tickets !
btw anyone has extra or whatever selling cheaper for RM68 ticket for Liverpool v Malaysia ?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Less Than Jake - The Rest Of My Life.
this song just reminds me of stupid things i've done, offend closest people to me, but if only they knew and they would look at this from my point of view.
its not that im trying to change anything, i think that we wont have the meeting of the minds and we will never have, we dont think the same way. maybe now i look and understand your way of thinking but you'll have to do the same,
and we do not have to support each other, we all know this isnt gonna work.
people so close to me since high school , been through all the fucking hell, up and down with me
for some misunderstanding we threw it all away. if you'd like to say i threw it all away, its up to you, but you'll have to know it was because of each one of you i threw it all away. things just wont be the same like before
people who were once so important to me, i threw it all away. but i threw it all away so we wont make the same mistake again, i wont change, you wont change.
people who i once loved, are now like strangers to me. i made mistakes, indecisive all the time, not knowing what i want and hurt them. its not that i lied about my feelings, all the things i said, believe me they are real but its just me not knowing what i really want.
ill apologize, but its best if we remain as strangers i guess, better for you, better for me.
people they were once so close, can be so far apart, almost strangers.
its not that i fear losing friends or important people to me i have plenty, but just knowing you people were once the most important thing to me, and now almost nothing it sucks.
i cant forgive, i cant forget, cant give in what went wrong.
im sorry.
Thursday, March 03, 2011

this was what i tweeted la. then i GUESS she have been hearing rihanna's song that im the only girl in the world for too long that she might have thought she was the only girl in the world with big tits, badan like badak and perangai like joejoe so she posted on my fb wall.

Apologize ? yeah im gonna tell that to papa koh about how sorry i am to see his son suffering from compulsive obsession and the absence of balls... confront me personally if you so happen to have the guts la sucker... n yes my chest helps a lot in producing hormones to regulate the brain.. unlike u... no balls no hormones to help your dick to think
:o i got nothing against you also confront you buat apa? you want to ajak me yum cha izit? ey, only your tetek very big ah? just asking hehe. you feel sorry all up to you la i also feel sorry for you. cant blame you for being so perasan wan. born like that hor ? who to blame ? papa soh lo :(
btw i didnt know my dick needs to think :o
its not that i perasa its just that youre lucky to have a bro that will back u up... ur compulsive obsession towards her wont bring you anywhere.. ur offensive nature will also make things worst..tc
well if you think im lucky then your pride , ego and your attitude for not admitting that what you did was wrong and to only blame others like to blame my bro and shan when you clearly assumed that i was referring to you wont bring you anywhere. your selfishness will only make more people realise that you only use people for their benefit btw using "no credit" as an excuse to runaway with shit wont get you far. people get fed up one day. have fun :D
i didnt say i dont hav credit when i didnt reply her text... the fact that i was charging my phone and i was away from it.. i dont attend to my phone or ur ex all the time coz its not my job.. get clear with things b4 u assume.. in my case it wasnt assumptions i made.. has any1 said anything when u dont reply them ? quite making a scene
btw i assumed it was quit, not quite lolz.
well its only you and your sis i dont reply since you also like that so i also payah reply lo. i didnt say what was it about i didnt say who you x reply i only say that excuse will make people fed up. i think you got serious self confidence problem, or some insecurity problem. if you think youre right instead of putting down your pride and ego to realise that you were wrong then too bad lo.
look whos talking.. pride n ego ei.. theyre not the only ppl i didnt reply.. if they have issues about it thenthe problem is on them.. y didnt you juz tell us from the beginning that u hated us then we could have just left you alone... look how many best friends you hav yet imthe person with problem.. even ur oh-so-perfect obsession says you have attitude problem
:o why you perasan again from where you saw me saying i dont like you and your sister ? i only say i dont reply you two ma. hehe i dont know why you keep thinking everything im saying referring to you. perasan much ? yes i have attitude prob but i dont use ppl lor. i offend people who i think they deserve to lo. i dont have best friends and oh this buddy if they leave im going to die :( who offend me, i fuck them back. :D sound like your ego kan ?
then a relevant reason for you not replying ? yet we stil didnt say anything.. my ego ? what abt your pride.. correct me if im wrong.. 2 text ago if u werent referring to me when u said 'u n ur sis' then who's the 'u n ur sis' in the previous text ur again saying im perasan ? u ran out of words i see.
do i need a valid reason not to reply you ? so you made an assumption again about me not replying you and your sis, means i hate you and your sis? you ran out of things to hantam me so you assume shit? hahah.
:,@%&$#@$!@@$#@ you mean ran out of words like that ? is that what you see? XD
at least i dont reply with a reason.. so u r not gonna correct me or you cant correct me? coz perasan is the only word you seem to know.. if im in the wrong then bad mouth someone behind their back n denying it makes you noble right ?
i dont know who are you referring to. i never bad mouth anyone behind their back also. i was talking to twitter so public but idk why you terasa kuat lor. then terasa ady accuse people for your mistakes, to assume my tweets were referring to you as if youre the only girl with big tits, badan like badak, perangai like joejoe. answer me you terasa ah the way i tweet ? i got say thats for you meh? i dont have any problem with you obviously i know you perasan ma. your problem with other people your hal la. btw who told you bad mouth behind peoples back makes someone noble? so bad...
the problem is i didnt care about the tweet in the beginning but after jenyen asked tk on facebook chat.. tk told the tweet was referring to me.. but i was wondering since when i didnt reply your msg till shan told me she complained to you that i didnt reply her msg for no apparent reason.
aww so from what jenyen told you and based on what shan said you conclude what i was referring to you ? without asking me if it was referring to you or not and make a conclusion yourself? :o
do i still have to ask? if ti is still denying it then fine..
you ask jenyen lo if he did a mistake.. i think jenyen did a mistake lor after speaking to him.. sumore tell me what, apology to my dad for me not having balls ?
not your dad.. u
hehe. now who wrong o? i got offend you bo?
that i dont know.. but i still wont apologize till things r clear
you make it clear lor for all the things you posted on my fb wall. you handam me wo? how? you ran out of words i c.
so do you want me to leave the posts there or remove it? im not running out of words but i just wanna make things clear
i want you to leave it there, let everyone see what you sent to me, let everyone know and ask them who wrong lo. who point fingers first. hmm.
ok... up to you.. i dont have twitter to read it 1st hand so i didnt terasa in the 1st place.. the pointing fingers part.. its natural to get angry to know that someone told you that someone is saying something bad about you.
but i guess its a mistake to jump to conclusions with peoples words hor ? then straight away hantam when i havent make things clear. and even more la when someone dont realise that theyre wrong. haih.
i still cannot say whos right or wrong now.
fuck you bryant! big fat liar! with your attitude of afraid to lose your face and ur pride, keep staying in a state of denial! lets see how far can that bring you! good night !
hahahah. why you ran out of words to say so you tell me that? like i said, for as long as you wont admit, i wont admit a shit. but it looks as if youre perasan and terasa lah now. no one knows who was my tweets referring to anyway. :D
im not going to waste any more credit to listen to ur crap.. continue lying la i'll c when your words choke on u.. ill be praying for u la :)
btw my credit died here.
woi now who wrong jek ? :( tell me !
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
this is one thing i want to write down for everyone, if you ever read my blog to notice.
i am turning my back on many people which i think i dont deserve this kind of people in my life. i dont owe them shit and i dont really need them around me. its not that because i dont need them i go against them, but its just something everyone should know , and you judge this shit yourself. tell me if im wrong, besides those people who you think you are them.
1. when you agree to send someone to kl sentral and the whole family , parents depend on you to send them there to take a bus to the airport, you make sure you send and if you cant, you dont ignore your phone calls and inform people, at least tell "hey i cant make it to send you there, im sorry". when you just ignore phone calls coming in and the next thing i hear was "cheh i malas la wanna send them there i dunwan pick up their calls", that just went overboard and i dont owe you shit and there is no way i will forgive and forget.
2. i did a mistake for being your ex but when you spread shit around telling im a sucker, cheater behind your back and shit, you're the slut who cant face the truth. the truth is that i wanted to go to bed at 11, and i just happen to hear someone looking for me on msn, and i talked to her till 6am and took her for breakfast. i didnt tell you , couldnt make it in time to explain to you i changed my mind. yes i should have texted you telling you stuff but please know that i didnt cheat behind your back, its just that i didnt make things clear to you, you just snapped at me. too bad now you spread shit about me its up to you and your stupid friends to hear what they want.
3.not the first time you fucked this friendship because of your mother fucking ex. first was when i jokingly said i installed a camera in her room and see her changing her bra everyday, you got pissed at me saying i dont give you face at all, padahal you invaded my privacy checking out my history with your ex on my pc. who dont give who face ? 2nd time i only told her what she needed to know, and she knows already and if she got it the wrong way, you make it clear. you blame me for all this shit you do ? look now she dont give you two fucks.
4.you called me a motherfucking leech, sucking your money and using you only for money. im a chinese and you should know everytime you offer to belanja and me being a human i will say sure why not ? obviously i like it when you wanna belanja me makan and stuff but at the end of the day when we have problems, you called me a motherfucking leech sucking your money and using you, its just disappointing la you think that way and i dont mind you thinking that way, because you know it yourself you buy friends with money. i cant forget the words you say , and called me.
5. it was my birthday eve, and yes i was drunk as mother fucking hell which i shouldnt have, and i had a serious bad hangover, or rather i was still drunk. i could have called you and say " hey sorry man i cant make it" and i remembered its your exams or some shit you needed people to be there and shit, i made my way there asap. i depended on people to wake me up but no one did shit effort in waking a drunk guy up so, thats why we were late but we did be there and try to, you just cant accept the fact that were late and you kept on pointing on the fact that i never take things seriously, never thought of you,telling your lecturer better late then never and stuff and still nag about it instead of trying to appreciate me rushing my way there, be there even when i was so fucking drunk on my birthday.
6. you know it, i spoke to you about him, saying if you dont have anything for him, and if you think that there is no hope between the both of you, just let it go and ignore him, make it clear you dont want shit from him but i can see that you still unintentionally give him hope, by using him only when you need him. have you ever texted him once without asking him to do something for you ? have you ever replied him just for chatting with him ? now you're using my friend and i didnt want to make it an issue, but how can you be so fucking irresponsible when someone tells you, depended on you to do something you just ignored and say " i have no credit to reply" so when you cant make it to do something you just ignored and tell "i have no credit" ? where your brains ? your chest ?
i will not say names or anything, and if you happen to put the puzzle together and think it sounded like who it is, go ahead and think again la guess yourself and assume. im not telling names who is this or that.
fyi, 6 people dosent sum up the whole world. i dont need these motherfuckers. i would gladly welcome one or two of them back if they apologize. spam all you want at my cbox, ill reply as i like.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
i know la i fucking malas wanna update my blog la im trying okay ? :D
wei xiang bought me this shirt, before i started going out with his mommy.
and now im going out with his mommy this shirt is perfect. i should wear this and go out with her one day and take a photo then ill upload.
at the same time, he showed me this picture.
he's scared of what's gonna happen between me and his mom aww. isnt it cool having me as your daddy? :D
say hello to mango, one of the FATTEST DOG I've seen omg you should see it man.
try imagining how he walks aww !
like slowly, one step at the time. aww
from my previous post, you would have known that im fucking broke, maybe i will be until cny comes i owe myself thousands after buying the guitar so imma save it back up to thousand bucks plus.
i had to survive on all these before i die of hunger.
my coins :D remember what they tell you when you were young ? put your coins in a piggybank? trust me it works. i have almost rm70 of coins (Y)
and ofcourse , thank you nuffnang for giving me my cheque (Y) i really needed it :)
nyehehehehe. i failed to collect up to rm150 :(
to my blog followers, i know you guys are fed up of waiting for an update you must be thinking " where this slut went lah ! "
im still here, just dont have the mood to blog. im not that busy and this is one of the most interesting i did.
following yewjin to bukit jalil golf club last week. look at how he fucked his bag aw
the swimming pool there is really cool, its so empty sometimes you can even have sex in the pool. im saying this because.. nah im not saying it :p
we had lunch there and this was what happened when Jarrel wanted to pour some ketchup
the ketchup popped out like rosak ady wtf ! damn disgusting omg -.- sluts !
other than that, there's nothing much to do besides sauna and the steam room there.
i just noticed the supreme mcchicken , on the box its written
smoky chicken roll - kepingan ayam enak. omg wtf -.-
and yes, yesterday i finally tried manhattan fish market food, this fish baked rice thing, its awesumzzzz for rm16 its kinda cool actually.
anyway, there was this one futsal team that challenged my team for a loser pay game. so jarrel showed me this video of them playing.
i dont know how to get the codes so just watch it from that link.
and we won 17 - 7. please go and watch that video its fucking hilarious. When i get older~ i will be stronger~
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