Friday, June 26, 2009

it's sad to know that it all turns out the other way round when you think you knew it. you're so sure and confident that it was like this but it's not like that. you're making a fool out of yourself for being so sure what will the outcome be. look at you now, this is all in a mess. everyone will go their own way some day. you thought you know your friends ? how stupid can you be ? not only your friends, the one you love don't remember they met you is the last thing you would wanna know, trust me. its like you don't exist in their world but they're the reason that you're breathing. can't you see that she don't even wanna remember she met you ? you even wrote songs about her hoping someday this song will go somewhere and she will hear it. are you fucking stupid ? maybe by then she will be fucking with the guy she wants and have her own fucking life, and for you being stupid, your friends are leaving your side too.

that's life.

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