Sunday, September 16, 2007

it stopped breathing for a while, and came back to life for a few times already. it's skin was peeling off. untill today, just now. it had a serious heart attack. now its at the hospital.

my fucking mobile fone.

it (my fone) died again and i got fed up. the skin (rubber) also annoying me. so sent to hospital (workshop -.-)

it's skin was peeling off - the side rubber of my fone came out.

meanwhile, i will be needing this.

my camera =)

and i just installed vista on my pc.
to those who already got vista - i know la i slow. now only got it.
to those who dont have vista - HAHAHAH nenenenebubu

todays post, will be postponed due to the temporally lost of my fone. will upload as soon as i get a damn M2 reader.

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